News & Opinion

Opinion: Freedom of assembly not exend to indefinite camping

The Constitutional guarantee of freedom of assembly does not automatically guarantee the right to camp out in city parks, writes Ken Paulson of the First Amendment Center. “Courts have traditionally upheld the right of governments to manage and supervise public property. As long as there’s a rational basis for the rules and no point of view is being discriminated against, there’s no First Amendment violation. If the left and right alike are being told to

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Free speech: ‘Occupy Cincinnati’ claims fines for staying after hours in parks excessive

Occupy Cincinnati is suing the city in federal court claiming that citations and fines levied against its members has created a chilling effect on their rights of free speech. The group says that the city fined them over $22,000. The city fined members of Occupy Cincinnati for remaining in a city park after the 10 p.m. closing time and denied their application for a permit to remain after hours. -db From the Courthouse News Service,

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Texas: Professor says state censored report on environmental damage

A Rice University professor claims that a Texas environmental agency censored his report on Galveston Bay by deleting  certain references to climate change, sea-level rise and man’s role in the changes. An agency spokesperson said it would be irresponsible to publish whatever came to it. The professor said the deletions were based on politics rather than science. -db From the Houston Chronicle, October 10, 2011, by Harvey Rice. Full story

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A&A: Can I be charged for agenda-item documents?

Q: I attended a fire board meeting tonight where the preliminary budget was on the agenda. They had the budget in a binder on the table. They claimed that providing the budget in that way met the requirement to have the document “available” to the public. If I wanted my own copy I had to pay 20 cents a page. I told them that they were wrong and that hard copies needed to be provided

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A&A: Teacher terminated after closed session

Q: Last weekend our son’s 4th grade teacher was fired from her “at will” employment at a local charter school. The board held a Regular Meeting and decided “immediate action” had to be taken. The teacher did not receive 24 hours notice about the meeting but was asked if she wanted to speak for five minutes on her behalf when she happened to walk by the meeting. The board then held a closed session and

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