News & Opinion

Critics pick on media to discredit ‘Occupy Wall Street’ protests

Conservative commentators are aiming their criticism at the media, particularly the National Public Radio and The New York Times, to claim that the Occupy Wall Street protests are fostered by the liberal media. The critics have questioned the objectivity of the media in particular for their ties to free lance journalists too close to the protesters. They have also alleged the media have helped shape the message, a charge that damages the grass-root claims of

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Justice Department proposes change to Freedom of Information Act that facilitates hiding records

The Justice Department has proposed a rule change for the FOIA to allow government agencies to deny that records do not exist when they do. As it stands now the government can withhold information and issue a Glomar denial that says they neither confirm nor deny the records exist. Open government advocates say that the rule change would deliver a blow to transparency in that with the proposed rule, those seeking information would be inclined

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Miami judge in controversial child custody case pursues gag order violators

A Miami child welfare judge, angered by apparent leaks of a custody hearing to a reporter, has asked over 30 Florida child welfare workers to appear before her to sign statements verifying that they were not the leakers. A retired judge says that although unusual, the judge was acting within her authority to demand the signatures to enforce the gag order and protect children. -db From the Miami Herald, October 25, 2011, by Carol Marbin

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Louisiana student sues in federal court after suspended for criticizing teacher on Facebook

A Baton Rouge high school student sued school officials for suspending him and throwing him out of the honors club for criticizing a teacher on Facebook. The student made the comment from his home and removed it before school the next day. The boy’s parents contend that the comment was intended as a joke and created no disturbance at the school so should be protected under the First Amendment. -db From the Courthouse News Service,

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