News & Opinion

WikiLeaks founder loses round in attempt to avoid extradition to Sweden to face alleged rape charge

Britain’s High Court found that the sex charges were sufficiently serious to warrant extradition of WikiLeaks Founder Julian Assange to Sweden. Assange’s attorneys contend  that the sex changes were politically motivated, part of a plot to extradite Assange to the United States for prosecution over the WikiLeaks release of thousands of cables on the Afghanistan and Iraq wars. -db From the  Los Angeles Times, November 2, 2011, by Henry Chu and Janet Stobart. Full story

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Milwaukee newspaper photographer arrested covering rally supporting Occupy Wall Street

In attempting to clear a street, Milwaukee policemen arrested a Milwaukee Sentinel Journal photographer covering a march near a university campus in support of the Occupy Wall Street movement. The police claimed the photographer did not identify herself as a journalist. -db From the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, November 2, 2011, by By Karen Herzog with contributions from Sharif Durhams. Full story  

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Pennsylvania Christians can continue protesting sex shops

A federal judge ruled that a Catholic fraternal organizaton could continue to picket  in front of a sex shop so long as they are not posing a danger to pedestrians or motorists. The sex shop owners had sued on a number of grounds one being that the protesters were interfering with their First Amendment rights. -db From the Courthouse News Service, October 31, 2011, by Reuben Kramer. Full story  

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Chinese protesters use comic subterfuge to evade government censors

With the Chinese government employing more than 50,000 censors to monitor the Internet for politically deviant opinion, bloggers are using humor and satire to get their message across before the censors close in. There is always a strong element of fear and uncertainty for the bloggers as they never know where the line is between the acceptable satire and a criminal offense. -db From a feature in The New York Times Magazine, October 26, 2011,

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California: Santa Rosa Press Democrat wins defamation suit

A district judge ruled for the Santa Rosa Press Democrat in a suit that claimed the newsaper had defamed a woman by calling her a “serial squatter” and a “tenant from hell.” The judge said the newspaper used court records correctly in portraying the woman. -db From the SF Weekly, October 26, 2011, by Ellen Huet. Full story

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