News & Opinion

Police stonewall request for records in use of force on Occupy Oakland demonstrators

The Oakland Police Department has refused to release records about the October 25 police action against Occupy Oakland demonstrators. The ACLU is trying to determine if the department adhered to its own policies on the use of force. The ACLU of Northern California and the National Lawyers’ Guild had made a public records request for the records. -db From a commentary for the American Civil Liberties Union of Northern California, November 8, 2011, by Linda

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Federal judge puts hold on mandatory graphic images for cigarette packages

A federal judge iced attempts of the Food And Drug Administration to require graphic images of the horrific results of smoking on all cigarette packages. The judge granted a temporary injunction on enforcing the new rule until the case is heard in federal court. The tobacco companies argue that the rule requires speech they don’t agree with and violates their First Amendment rights. -db From  the First Amendment Center, November 7, 2011, by David L

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California: Sanitation district vote on pay raises challenged as open meeting violation

The Orange County Sanitation District admitted to violating the Brown Act, the state’s open meeting law, when it voted on pay raises for 17 managers and 18 “confidential” workers behind closed doors. They will conduct a revote. Because the workers are not represented by a bargaining group, the public has the right to discuss the raises and witness the vote. -db From the Orange County Register, November 7, 2011, by Tony Saavedra. Full story  

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Prop. 8 donors not entitled to anonymity, judge says

Donors to Prop. 8, California’s anti same-sex-marriage initiative, have no right to remain anonymous, a U.S. District Court judge has ruled. Backers of Prop. 8 had argued that campaign contributors could be subject to harassment and threats unless they were allowed dispensation from disclosure laws. But U.S. District Judge Morrison England disagreed, arguing that Prop. 8 supporters, who won 7 million votes in 2008, could not make the case that they were a persecuted group. According

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Woman claims documentary defames her as rapist and prostitute

A woman is suing a documentary maker for portraying her as a rapist and prostitute 30 years ago when she followed her fiance to England. The woman said she granted interviews with the filmmakers on the belief that they were making a film on paparazzi.-db From the Courthouse News Service, November 7, 2011, by Matt Reynolds. Full story

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