News & Opinion

First Amendment Coalition v. Bonta

On February 14, 2019, represented by Michael Risher, the First Amendment Coalition sued the California Attorney General for violating Senate Bill 1421 (“SB 1421”), California’s landmark police transparency law that mandated disclosure of records about police shootings, significant uses of force, and serious forms of misconduct. FAC took legal action because the Attorney General’s office had refused to disclose records otherwise covered by SB 1421 simply because they were created by another agency, such as

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Porter v. Martinez

People sound their car horns every day to express themselves. It’s common, part of the American tradition — and it’s also a type of expression protected by the First Amendment. But in California, expressive horn use is against the law under the state’s motor vehicle code. David Loy, FAC’s Legal Director, brought a challenge to this law in 2018 while he was at the ACLU Foundation of San Diego & Imperial Counties. The case is

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