News & Opinion

Palin hacking case: Accused says e-mails were public record

A college student accused of illegally hacking into Alaska Governor Sarah Palin’s e-mails says a court had declared the e-mails part of the public record. Among a number of issues, the federal case addresses whether e-mail is property and thereby subject to privacy protection. -DB Wired May 20, 2009 By Kim Zetter A surprise legal maneuver by the defense in the Sarah Palin hacking case could undermine key charges carrying the stiffest potential penalties. A

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California Supreme court allows lawsuit over ‘misleading’ tobacco ads to proceed

In a suit that claimed tobacco companies ran fraudulent ads, by a 4-3 vote the California Supreme Court rejected the argument that every plaintiff in the class-action suit – millions of people – had to show they had seen an allegedly deceptive ad and relied on it to make a purchase. -DB San Francisco Chronicle May 19, 2009 By Bob Egelko Consumers have the right to sue as a group over advertising they believe misled

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Redding council tries for compromise on public comment

It’s not easy for public agencies to balance the need to get things done in a timely fashion and the need to give the public adequate time to address issues. In an attempt to satisfy everyone, the Redding City Council voted to adopt a 30 minute public comment period on items not on the agenda at the start of council meetings then allow unlimited comment at the end of the meeting. -DB Redding Record Searchlight

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Bush e-mails: Federal court rules White House office records secret

A U.S. Court of Appeals ruled that the White House Office of Administration is not subject to the Freedom of Information Act and does not have to release records pertaining to the disappearance of millions of Bush administration e-mails. -DB CBS News May 19, 2009 By Stephanie Condon A White House office will not have to publicly release its records relating to the disappearance of millions of e-mails from the Bush administration, a federal appeals

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ACLU sues Tennessee schools for censoring gay educational sites

The American Civil Liberties Union has brought a suit in federal court that asserts that two Tennessee school districts are unconstitutionally blocking students from accessing web sites that provide information about lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender issues. -DB American Civil Liberties Union May 19, 2009 Press Release NASHVILLE, TN – The American Civil Liberties Union and the ACLU of Tennessee sued two Tennessee school districts in federal court May 19, charging the schools are unconstitutionally

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