News & Opinion

Southern California lawmaker wants state budget crisis talks public

Southern California lawmaker wants state budget crisis talks public After Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger failed to get voter approval of a budget, Senate Minority Leader Dennis Hollingsworth, R-Murrieta, wants to make public all legislative deliberations on eliminating the $24 million budget shortfall . -DB The Press-Enterprise June 7, 2009 By Jim Miller SACRAMENTO – California lawmakers struggling to close a $24 billion budget shortfall may have to go without the approach that has produced many major

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Associated Press reporter disciplined for Facebook comment

Associated Press reporter disciplined for Facebook comment AP put a reprimand letter in the file of one of their reporters who had posted a criticism of the McClatchy executives on his Facebook page. First Amendment lawyers say private-sector employees have little recourse when fired for their statements on social networks. -DB Wired June 9, 2009 By David Kravets An Associated Press reporter’s official reprimand over an innocuous comment on his Facebook page has sparked the

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CIA withholds interrogation tape records from Bush torture program

CIA Director Leon Panetta has refused to release interrogation tape records out of concern that the details of torture could be used for propaganda by enemies of the United States. -DB American Civil Liberties Union Press Release June 9., 2009 NEW YORK – In another attempt to avoid public and judicial scrutiny of the Bush administration torture program, CIA Director Leon Panetta argued that records related to the destruction and content of interrogation tapes should

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San Diego: Head of agency loses severance after alleged Brown Act violation

A former Southeastern Economic Development Corp. president lost a $100,000 plus severance package after a community activist brought suit charging the SEDC board awrded the package in secret without public notice. -DB voice of san June 10, 2009 By Will Carless A legal appeal lodged by former Southeastern Economic Development Corp. President Carolyn Y. Smith against a lawsuit that challenged her lucrative severance package has been dismissed by a judge as moot. 

Smith’s $100,350

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North Korea sentences two American journalists to 12 years hard labor

Relations between North Korea and the United States have worsened after two American reporters were seized and tried after crossing the border from China and North Korea on March 17. The reporters are thought to be pawns in the struggle between the United Nations and North Korea over the country’s nuclear tests. -DB Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press June 8, 2009 By Caitlin Dickson Two American journalists were sentenced to 12 years hard

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