News & Opinion

AG Opinion #01_401_02

OPINION of BILL LOCKYER, Attorney General; MARJORIE E. COX, Deputy Attorney General No. 01-401 Office of the Attorney General of the State of California Filed March 14, 2002 THE HONORABLE TONY STRICKLAND, MEMBER OF THE STATE ASSEMBLY, has requested an opinion on the following questions: Do the open meeting requirements of the Ralph M. Brown Act apply to the meetings of the governing board of a private, nonprofit corporation formed for the purpose of providing

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AG Opinion #02-406 Media Cannot Attend a child’s individualized education program meeting even if their attendance has the consent of the parents (2002)

August 26, 2002 [Attorney General’s Opinion #02–406] THE HONORABLE RICHARD G. POLANCO, MEMBER OF THE STATE SENATE, has requested an opinion on the following question: May members of the news media attend a child’s individualized education program meeting as observers if their attendance has the consent of the parents? CONCLUSION Members of the news media may not attend a child’s individualized education program meeting as observers even though their attendance has the consent of the

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AG Opinion #00-906 Officials Must Not Use E-mail to Conduct Government Business (2001)

TO BE PUBLISHED IN THE OFFICIAL REPORTS OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL State of California BILL LOCKYER Attorney General OPINION of BILL LOCKYER Attorney General CLAYTON P. ROCHE Deputy Attorney General No. 00-906 February 20, 2001 [00-906] THE HONORABLE WESLEY CHESBRO, MEMBER OF THE STATE SENATE, has requested an opinion on the following question: May a majority of the board members of a local public agency e- mail each other to develop a collective concurrence

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AG Opinion #01-307 Teachers Can Wear Political Buttons at Back-to-School Night(2001)

TO BE PUBLISHED IN THE OFFICIAL REPORTS OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL State of California BILL LOCKYER Attorney General OPINION of BILL LOCKYER Attorney General ANTHONY S. Da VIGO Deputy Attorney General : No. 01-307 July 12, 2001 THE HONORABLE JACK SCOTT, MEMBER OF THE STATE SENATE, has requested an opinion on the following question: May a school district prohibit teachers from wearing political buttons while attending Back-to-School Night, an annual event where teachers meet

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AG Opinion #98-211 School Dissemination of Sex Offender Information (1999)

BILL LOCKYER, Attorney General; CLAYTON P. ROCHE, Deputy Attorney General No. 98-211 Office of the Attorney General of the State of California March 1, 1999 THE HONORABLE WESLEY CHESBRO, MEMBER OF THE CALIFORNIA STATE SENATE, has requested an opinion on the following questions: 1.Does a school district have a duty to disclose information received from a law enforcement official concerning the presence of a sex offender in its community? 2.Does a school district have a

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