News & Opinion


CFAC v. CalPERS CFAC successfully sued CALPERS, California’s public employee retirement system, to force it to disclose the management fees it pays to venture capital, private equity, and hedge funds in which CALPERS invests. Because of its huge size, CALPERS is the de facto standard-setter for the pension industry nationally. When CALPERS settled CFAC’s suit, agreeing to most of the fee disclosures CFAC had sought, public pension plans across the country followed suit. Legal Documents

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CFAC v. Santa Clara

CFAC v. Santa Clara County Decisions Legal Documents Press Releases In the news Decisions May 18, 2007 California Superior Court rules in favor of CFAC Legal briefs and other major pleadings (by date) California 6th Appellate Court of Appeals April 11, 2008 CFAC ‘Return’ – Main Merits Brief on Appeal July 5, 2007 Santa Clara Reply to Preliminary Opposition June 25, 2007 CFAC Preliminary Opposition to the Appeal June 12, 2007 Santa Clara Appeal –

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China/World Trade Organization

CFAC Taking on the Great Firewall of China CFAC has initiated a proceeding that will attempt to use international trade laws to force the government of China to end its censorship of the internet. In a submission and presentation to the Office of the US Trade Representative, CFAC has petitioned for the filing of a complaint with the World Trade Organization, of which China became a member in 2001. Our (concededly novel) theory: that China’s

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A&A: Public Universities, Listservs, and Destruction of Records

Q: Our local, university-run public radio station, has been attempting to create a “confidentiality policy” to prevent entries in its online volunteer listserv from appearing in the newspaper. Because I believe the taxpayer-funded listserv content is a public document, I filed a PRA request for one day’s worth of postings. The university has replied that it keeps no copies of the listserv postings, and cannot provide them. They seem to have acknowledged that the listserv

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A&A: Private institutions, public funds and the CPRA

Q: If a private institution such as university or college receives public and private funding for research, can a member of the public get access to records that pertain only to publicly funded research? A: Generally speaking, private universities are not subject to the PRA.  The PRA applies to the public records of state or local agencies.  Under certain circumstances outlined in section 54952(c) of the Brown Act (incorporated into the PRA by section 6252

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