News & Opinion

Federal court rules sheriff’s deputy criticism not protected speech

While criticizing a sheriff for reacting in an irresponsible way to criticism of his use of personnel, the 7th Circuit ruled that the sheriff could discipline the deputy who brought the criticism. The deputy had argued that he had a right under the First Amendment to speak without suffering retaliation.  -DB First Amendment Center July 30, 2009 By David L. Hudson Jr. A Wisconsin sheriff who transferred a deputy to patrol a crime-ridden neighborhood on foot

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CIA retains information declassified for Libby prosecution

The CIA has refused to release information from the President’s Daily Brief that was declassified for the prosecution of former vice presidential aide Scooter Libby in 2006. -DB Secrecy News Federation of American Scientists Commentary July 29, 2009 By Steven Aftergood Even though certain information concerning the President’s Daily Brief (PDB) was redacted and declassified for use in the prosecution of former vice presidential aide Scooter Libby in 2006, that same information is nonetheless “currently

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Prominent retired judge urges bar association lawyers to stop filing court documents under seal

Retired federal judge, congressman and White House counsel Abner Mikva says too many lawyers routinely file court documents under seal without compelling public policy reason as justification. -DB Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press July 31, 2009 By Rory Eastburg Abner Mikva – retired federal judge, congressman, and White House counsel – urged lawyers at the American Bar Association convention to stop routinely filing court documents under seal, the Chicago Sun-Times reports. “You civil lawyers

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Fox loses FOIA suit when judge rules regional banks not government agencies

A federal judge rules that Fox had no right to bail-out documents from the Federal Reserve Board since the documents were exempted under a provision protecting trade secrets and confidential information of non-government agencies. -DB Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press July 31, 2009 By Hannah Bergman A federal judge ruled against Fox News Thursday in a key Freedom of Information Act case involving bailout-related documents held by the Federal Reserve Board. Judge Alvin K.

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No gag order in Chauncey Bailey murder trial

 In the Chauncey Bailey murder, Superior Court Judge Morris Jacobson released 800 pages of grand jury testimony and refused defense pleas to impose a gag order on lawyers. -DB The Oakland Tribune  July 31, 2009  By Thomas Peele OAKLAND — A judge on Thursday afternoon refused to impose a gag order on lawyers and others involved in the Chauncey Bailey murder case and also ordered the release of 800 pages of grand jury testimony. Attorneys representing

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