News & Opinion

ACLU loses challenge to surveillance law

A federal judge dismissed a challenge to a law allowing the government to examine without warrants the international e-mails and phone calls of U.S. citizens. -DB American Civil Liberties Union Press Release August 20, 2009 NEW YORK – A federal court today dismissed an American Civil Liberties Union lawsuit challenging an unconstitutional government spying law. The ACLU and the New York Civil Liberties Union filed the landmark lawsuit in July 2008 to stop the government from

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Government officials use personal email and texting to avoid public access laws. Why not use technology to enhance accountability instead of to subvert it?

By PETER SCHEER—All public officials favor open government in principle. Who would dare say otherwise? In reality, however, they are in a perpetual search, guided by clever lawyers, for new ways to circumvent disclosure requirements–at best, because they view requests for records as a nuisance, and at worst, because they have something to hide (which can range from the merely embarrassing to the indictable). The latest device for openness avoidance is the use of personal

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Broadcom co-founder tries to keep appeal hearing secret

Accused of securities fraud, a co-founder of Broadcom Corp. wants to bar the public from his hearing before the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals. -DB The National Law Journal August 20, 2-009 By Amanda Bronstad Henry Samueli, the co-founder of Broadcom Corp., is fighting to keep the public out of a pending hearing before the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in which he is seeking to reinstate a plea deal that he reached last year

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Social networking ban on convicted sex offenders deemed unconstitutional

A blogger for the Citizen Media Law Project says that the new Illinois law making it illegal for convicted six offenders to use social networking websites is probably unconstitutional and certainly unenforceable. -DB Citizen Media Law Project Commentary August 20, 2009 By Andrew Moshirnia The memory of pain can be one of the best painkillers. Anyone who has had the misfortune of enduring acute physical agony has later repurposed that nightmare as a psychic analgesic. “This

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Lawyer of right wing blogger claims FBI paid client to make threats

The lawyer for a New Jersey hate blogger charged with threatening to kill judges and lawmakers said his client was paid by the FBI to make his online rants. -DB Wired August 19, 2009 By David Kravets A notorious New Jersey hate blogger charged in June with threatening to kill judges and lawmakers was secretly an FBI “agent provocateur” paid to disseminate right-wing rhetoric, his attorney said Wednesday. Hal Turner, the blogger and radio personality,

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