News & Opinion

Federal judge grants access to classified information

In a jolting decision, a federal judge has ruled that a court can determine that an individual has the right to know certain classified information even if the executive branch opposes revealing that information. -DB Secrecy News Federation of American Scientists September 8, 2009 By Steven Aftergood Ordinarily, decisions about granting security clearances and determining whether an individual has a “need to know” certain classified information are made by the executive branch.  But a federal judge

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Report card on government secrecy now available has released a “secrecy report card” that shows only limited changes in operations over the last year to withhold government information from the public. -DB Secrecy News Federation of American Scientists September 8, 2009 By Steven Aftergood The vast apparatus of government secrecy persisted through the last year with only limited changes in the contours of its multi-billion dollar operations, according to the latest “secrecy report card” published by, a coalition of organizations working

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SLAPPs can shield those committing hate crimes

In light of a hate crime case involving a student at the private Harvard-Westlake School, a professor argues that SLAPP suits can force those seeking redress to endure costly legal expenses hurting their chances for a just settlement. -DB Gay and Lesbian Times Commentary September 3, 2009 By Robert Dekoven The California Legislature needs to exempt hate crimes from SLAPP procedures. SLAPP, or strategic lawsuit against public participation, motions are attempts to silence public protests or

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Healthcare blogs struggle to fill gap in coverage left by mainstream news outlets

Healthcare blogs are contributing much needed information about the complications attendant to health care reform, but it remains to be seen if the blogs can make a difference given the mainstream media focus on personalities and politics. -DB Media Shift September 4, 2009 By Simon Owens Paul Testa recently checked his voicemail and listened to a message from a hospice worker who lives in a conservative district of Ohio. He’d never met or spoken to this

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Obama administration agrees to make White House visitor logs public

To end four lawsuits by a watchdog group, the Obama White House has reversed a policy keeping visitor logs secret now allowing news organizations and others a chance to see who is influencing administration policy on vital issues. -DB USA TODAY September 4, 2009 By Richard Wolf WASHINGTON, D.C. — The Obama administration plans to change White House policy by releasing the names of thousands of visitors whose comings and goings traditionally are kept secret by

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