News & Opinion

Court rejects free speech argument in upholding refusal to run outside group’s link on town Web site

The First Circuit Appeals Court ruled a New Hampshire town could refuse to post a link to a government watchdog group’s Web site on the town’s site, rejecting the argument that the town site was a public forum. -DB Courthouse News Service September 22, 2009 By Tim Hull (CN) – The 1st Circuit rejected a free-speech challenge of a New Hampshire town’s refusal to post a link to a government watchdog group’s Web site on

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Nebraska resources district sues federal government for simple piece of information

The U.S. Department of Agriculture has stonewalled for four years, refusing to tell a Nebraska resources district how many acres of Nebraska farmland are being irrigated because it says the information is secret. -DB Courthouse News Service September 22, 2009 By Cara Wynn LINCOLN, Neb. (CN) – A Nebraska resources district accuses the federal government of “flagrant stonewalling” in 4 years of “evasive responses” to a simple request for how many acres of Nebraska farmland

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City fails to invoke SLAPP to shut down investigation of acts of public officials

The Sixth District Court of Appeal ruled when a lawyer hired a private investigator to look into allegations that a Morgan Hill city attorney was having an affair with the city manager, that that inquiry was protected activity. -DB Metropolitan News-Enterprise September 22, 2009 By Sherri M. Okamoto A lawyer who hired a private investigator to determine whether a city attorney was engaged in an inappropriate romantic relationship with the city manager and was later

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Soft money: Federal appeals court rules campaign finance reform violates free speech rights

A federal appeals court struck down a regulation designed to limit campaign spending by independent political groups to influence elections. The regulation was designed to meet the challenge of such groups as Swift Boat Veterans for Truth and which spent millions on aggressive ads in the 2004 presidential campaign. -DB The Washington Post September 19, 2009 By Del Quentin Wilber and Dan Eggen A federal appeals court overturned hard-fought campaign finance reform regulations in

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