News & Opinion

University of Colorado denies football press passes to websites that post anonymous comments

INDenver Times no longer runs comments on football stories in their online edition in response to University of Colorado’s policy to refuse press passes to websites who allow pseudonymous posts or anonymous comments. The university is concerned about defamatory and irresponsible comments about players and coaches. -DB Denver Westword Denver New Blog September 25, 2009 By Michael Roberts A sharp-eyed reader noticed an odd editor’s note at the bottom of an INDenver Times account about the CU

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Securities Exchange Commission baselessly refusing to release documents

When a requester asked for copies from the SEC of internal news clips, the SEC cited the Copyright act as the statute allowing them to refuse the request, when, case law says the Copyright act may not be used to block access. -DB The FOIA Blog Commentary September 25, 2009 By Scott A. Hodes I have been informed that the SEC is blatantly ignoring FOIA Case Law and DOJ Guidance on basic requests for information;

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Civil liberties group gains access to telecom lobbying record over surveillance program

A federal judge ordered the Obama administration to release records of telecom lobbying to obtain immunity from suits over their role in warrantless surveillance. -DB Electronic Frontier Foundation Press Release September 24, 2009 SAN FRANCISCO – A judge ordered the government Thursday to release more records about the lobbying campaign to provide immunity to the telecommunications giants that participated in the NSA’s warrantless surveillance program. U.S. District Judge Jeffrey S. White ordered the records be

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Palo Verde Unified School District: Documents obtained through Public Records Act may reveal truth about severance package

The public was outraged to hear that last June the district superintendent’s son  was given a $78,000 severance package as he was about to leave the Palo Verde Unified School District. His job in another district did not materialize so he did not leave or collect the severance pay. Now the district administration has finally coughed up the documents surrounding the decision so the public can learn more about the incident. -DB The Desert Independent Opinion

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San Francisco a leader in providing free applications developed from city data

San Francisco has launched a website that offers free applications created by citizens from city and county data. -DB Government Technology September 25, 2009 By Karen Stewartson San Francisco today announced the launch of DataSF Apps Showcase, a site that boasts free innovative applications created by citizens using city and county data. “We are trying to turn San Francisco’s government into an organizing platform for civic engagement by giving our residents the tools to

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