News & Opinion

Obama administration wants national security exemption in federal shield law

The Obama administration wants the federal shield law now in Congress to force reporters to disclose confidential sources who leak national security information. -DB The New York Times October 1, 2009 By Charlie Savage WASHINGTON, D.C. — The Obama administration has told lawmakers that it opposes legislation that could protect reporters from being imprisoned if they refuse to disclose confidential sources who leak material about national security, according to several people involved with the negotiations. The

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First Amendment advocates criticize draft of new rules granting access to judicial records

Senate Bill X4 13 required that the California Administrative Office of the Courts (AOC) adopt new policies to provide public access to nonadjudicative court records, budget and management information. A 19-page draft has now been released for public comment from the present until October 29. So far First Amendment defenders say there should be no charge for providing documents and that the draft provides an overbroad exemption of “deliberative process” that would too easily block

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Federal judge orders release of Cheney’s statements in Plame case

A federal judge ordered the release of Former Vice President Dick Cheney’s interviews with a special prosecutor investigating the leak of the identity of Valerie Plame as a CIA operative. The Justice Department argued that releasing the records would make it difficult to get White House officials to cooperate in future investigations. -DB The Washington Post October 1, 2009 By Del Quentin Wilber A federal judge Thursday ordered the Justice Department to make public large

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Supreme Court to review Patriot Act for possible First Amendment breaches

The Christian Science Monitor September 30, 2009 By Warren Richey The Supreme Court has announced that it will rule on a case brought by a human rights organization in support of individuals working with two groups classified as terrorist. The individuals believe their First Amendment rights are curbed by the Patriot Act which bars an association with the two groups even when the individuals are working to advance human rights and peacemaking efforts and only support lawful

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Illinois: Chief federal judge issues opinion against opening court to cameras

Federal District Judge Joe Billy McCade felt it important to open his court to cameras for a hearing in a Champaign, Illinois school racial discrimination suit to ensure wide access. The chief judge issued an opinion critical of the action that prompted McCade to reverse himself. The opinion cited federal law and judicial rule in making the case against cameras. -DB Citizen Media Law Project Commentary September 30, 2009 By Eric P. Robinson UPDATE: Judge

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