News & Opinion

Governor’s political game threatens key open government/free speech bills

Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger is holding over 700 bills hostage to gain approval of a water deal with the legislature. Among the 700 bills are four bills that advance the cause of open government and freedom of speech. -DB California Newspaper Publishers Association Commentary October 7, 2009 With the Sunday deadline fast approaching, Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger has signed only 3 of the over 700 bills on his desk. While a bit coy regarding his intentions on

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Free speech concerns arise with new guidelines on disclosing gifts from manufacturers to their internet bloggers

The Federal Trade Commission approved new guidelines this week requiring manufacturers and bloggers on their payroll to disclose exchanges of free merchandise. The guidelines do not apply to journalists. There are concerns that extending the guidelines to the social media may have undesirable effects in restricting free speech. -DB Media and Communications Law Society Suffolk University Law School Opinion October 8, 2009 By Denise Ouellet The Federal Trade Commission announced on Monday that it will now require

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Citizen sues San Francisco Ethics Commission: Alleges commission withheld public records

Allen Grossman, an open government advocate, has filed suit in San Francisco, charging that the Ethics Commission has suppressed public records regarding their failure to enforce violations of state and local open government laws. -DB Press Release October 6, 2009 In a lawsuit filed Monday in the San Francisco Superior Court, Open Government advocate Allen Grossman charges that the Ethics Commission suppressed public records relating to its consistent failure to enforce violations of state and local

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Supreme Court lets stand lower court ruling that Illinois need not offer ‘Choose Life’ license plates

The Supreme Court rejected a free speech claim from Choose Life Illinois Inc. upholding an appellate court ruling that the plate would have given the impression that Illinois was taking sides in the abortion controversy. -DB Boston Tribune By David G. Savage October 5, 2009 WASHINGTON, D.C. — Illinois need not offer “Choose Life” license plates to motorists, under a ruling the Supreme Court let stand today. The justices turned down a free-speech claim from

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Pittsburgh accused of trampling First Amendment at G-20 meetings

The Legal Director for the American Civil Liberties Union of Pennsylvania says that the Pittsburgh police transformed the city into a police state during the recent G-20 Summit, shutting down dissent with tactics reminiscent of repression methods used in communist Poland in the early 1980s. -DB JURIST Opinion October 06, 2009 By Witold Walczak Law enforcement officials have, over the past decade, used gatherings of national and international leaders as license to suspend civil liberties.

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