News & Opinion

California appeals court rejects arguments justifying racist remarks in East Palo Alto police department

A California district court of appeal ruled that East Palo Alto could discipline a police officer for his racist remarks, rejecting the argument that an alleged “culture of racism” in the department was sufficient to justify the officer’s discriminatory remarks to subordinates. -DB Metropolitan News-Enterprise November 4, 2009 By Kenneth Ofgang A police department’s alleged culture of racist remarks by officers did not justify a supervisory officer’s use of such language in publicly referring to

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Help available for government watchdogs

Citizens and organizations seeking information about the relationships between officials, corporations and policy makers can tap into a myriad of resources. Here is a description of ten of the most helpful watchdog projects. -DB MediaShift November 3, 2009 By Katie Donnelly With the 2010 U.S. elections coming into view, many people are looking for more information about the people running for office — and the individuals and organizations funding these candidates. Fortunately, there are dozens

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Newspaper claims constitutional protection in withholding jailhouse interview notes from county attorney

A Kansas county prosecutor has issued a subpoena to the Dodge City Daily Globe and reporter Claire O’Brien to obtain her notes, testimony and the identity of an anonymous source concerning a Labor Day shooting that left one man dead. The prosecutor says he is trying to obtain the information from other sources so O’Brien and the newspaper does not have to become, in the newspapers’  words, “an investigative agent for the government.” -DB Dodge City

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In taping a reporter, AG Brown’s spokesman showed bad judgment, but did he break the law?

BY PETER SCHEER — Attorney General Jerry Brown’s spokesman Scott Gerber was unceremoniously “disappeared” from Brown’s incipient gubernatorial campaign this week because of a lapse in judgment that, quite frankly, has been overblown. Gerber’s mistake: to surreptitiously record a  phone conversation with a reporter,  which was later discovered because Gerber, in a plea for changes to the story,  presented an editor with verbatim quotes too extensive and accurate to be the result of efficient note-taking

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Open government group asks secretary of health to come clean on mistakes concerning swine flu vaccines

The Project on Government Oversight is calling for transparency in the H1N1 vaccine program to discover why there is  a shortage of vaccine. -DB Project on Government Oversight November 2, 2009 By Bryan Rahija Last Friday, POGO renewed its calls for transparency in the government’s H1N1 vaccine program. In a letter sent to Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) Secretary Kathleen Sebelius, we urged the Secretary to make public several aspects of the program,

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