News & Opinion

Supreme Court justice delivers dubious lesson in journalism to New York City’s Dalton School

When Supreme Court Justice Anthony M. Kennedy, a vigilant defender of the First Amendment, visited Dalton School in Manhattan last week, he came with a set of stipulations one of which was that his office would approve any article about his address to the students. Kennedy reviewed the article with dispatch, but it was still too late for the Dalton newspaper staff to include the article in last week’s edition. Frank D. LoMonte of the Student

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Pultizer Prize-winning reporter describes quest for truth in Las Vegas construction deaths

By Donal Brown Wall Street Journal reporter Alexandra Berzon said that favorable circumstances set the stage for the stories on Las Vegas construction deaths that earned her a 2009 Pulitzer Prize for Public Service when she was with the Las Vegas Sun. It is clear, though, that her success in the project derived centrally from her determined questioning: Why were there so many workers dying on the strip? And why were the companies able to

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Federal judge allows students’ empty-holster protest on Texas community college campus 2

A federal district judge ruled that two students could wear empty holsters at Tarrant County College Northeast  to protest school policy against concealed handguns on campus. The students could protest on public streets, sidewalks and common areas but not in classrooms or hallways. Another hearing is scheduled for November 16. -DB Courthouse News Service November 10, 2009 By David Lee DALLAS (CN) – Two students who sued their college for the right to wear empty

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Press association says free speech under attack by populist regimes in Latin America

Populist leaders in Latin America have been looking the other way while their supporters have attacked newsrooms, broadcasting stations and printing plants, one of the many tactics used to silence critics in the media. Eight Mexican journalists have been killed over the last six months. -DB WW4 Report November 8, 2009 Populist leaders in Latin America increasingly use legal and political means to silence critics in the media, Enrique Santos Calderón, president of the Inter

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