News & Opinion

While applauding federal transparency directive, online rights advocate points to pockets of secrecy

A senior counsel for the Electronic Freedom Foundation gives the White House credit for its efforts to improve transparency but says that the Obama administration has yet to respond to requests for information on crucial technology policy issues made last January and February. -DB Electronic Freedom Foundation Commentary December 8, 2009 By David L. Sobel The Obama Administration today issued its long-awaited Open Government Directive (OGD), a blueprint for transparency that the President promised on

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Rights foundation gives New York university its dubious award for restrictive speech code

The Foundation for Individual Rights in Education has made the speech code of the State University of New York Brockport its “Speech Code of the Month.” The foundation says the code is “unconstitutional on many levels.” -DB FIRE Foundation for Individual Rights in Education Opinion December 3, 2009 SUNY Brockport’s “Internet/Email Rules and Regulations” state that All uses of Internet/e-mail that harass, annoy or otherwise inconvenience others are not acceptable. This includes, but is not limited

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Film star brings suit on information on Wikipedia suggesting the actor is gay

Ron Livingston is suing an anonymous person who he says put up information on Wikipedia that claims Livingston has been dating a man. -DB NBC Chicago December 7, 2009 Actor Ron Livingston is suing an alleged Wikipedia hacker who reportedly posted information suggesting the actor was gay on his online bio page, according to TMZ. Livingston, whose most notable film credits include “Swingers” and “Office Space,” reportedly filed the lawsuit in Los Angeles on Friday.

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Talk show host accused of threatening three judges gets mistrial

An internet radio talk show host accused of threatening to kill three federal judges had his trial end in mistrial when the jury voted 9 to 3 for acquittal. Prosecutors said they would retry try the man. -DB Courthouse News Service December 8, 2009 After the Brooklyn jury deadlocked, a federal judge declared a mistrial in the case of an Internet radio host accused of threatening to murder three federal appeals court judges. Harold “Hal”

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States responding to federal transparency initiatives with parallel efforts

Since President Barack Obama pledged more openness in government, states have been opening records to the public, of stimulus spending and beyond, using online tools to provide a broad range of data. -DB OMB Watch December 8, 2009 President Barack Obama’s Jan. 21 inaugural promise to lead the most transparent administration in history has had a major impact on federal information technology, which has led to new developments in data reporting at the state level.

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