News & Opinion

Tech companies must share burden with media companies in fighting for global Internet freedom

The Electronic Frontier Foundation cites seven corporations that should share the task with Google, Yahoo! and Microsoft in fighting for Internet freedom. The EFF points out that the companies are selling technology to the Chinese government used for spying, censorship, invading privacy, and intimidating citizens. -db Electronic Frontier Foundation Opinion February 1, 2010 By Danny O’Brien Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s announcement of a new U.S. policy on global Internet Freedom included a bold new

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Rolling Stone Magazine wins ruling in dispute over use of image

A California appeals court dismissed a lawsuit by rock musicians against Rolling Stone over a use of their image that they said implied they sponsored a cigarette brand. The court found that the image was noncommercial speech protected by the First Amendment. -db The Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press January 29, 2010 By Cristina Abello A California appellate court yesterday found that a lawsuit by “indie” rock musicians against Rolling Stone over a

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A SEC lawyer, now running for Congress, disclosed protected information about whistleblower to his employer’s lawyer

The Security Exchange Commission’s commitment to protecting whistleblowers has been brought into question by a case in which a SEC lawyer handed over protected and nonpublic information to the whistleblower’s employer, JPMorgan Chase. -db Politics Daily January 28, 2010 By Michael Smallberg and Adam Zagorin George Demos is a Republican Congressional candidate from Eastern Long Island whose Web site bears the slogan “Fighting for Freedom,” and touts his service as an enforcement lawyer in the

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ACLU sounds warning on role of fusion centers in domestic spying

The American Civil Liberties Union warns that the 70 fusion centers set up to collect and share information after 9/11 are operating with little oversight, even book-marking law-abiding citizens for using “threatening words” one of which is “protest.” -db American Civil Liberties Union Opinion January 29, 2010 By Amanda Simon For years now, the ACLU has been sounding the alarm on fusion centers, a post-9/11 phenomena set forth by the government to expand information collection

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Obama favors disclosing contacts between lobbyists with administration or Congress

The Electronic Frontier Foundation hails President Barack Obama’s statement in the State of the Union address about disclosing lobbyist contacts. The Obama administration has been fighting FOIA requests seeking identities of lobbyists working the Department of Justice and Director of National Intelligence. -db Electronic Frontier Foundation Commentary January 28, 2010 By Kurt Opsahl In yesterday’s State of the Union address, President Obama made an important commitment to openness and transparency in government: He said “It’s time

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