News & Opinion

Appeals panels in Pennsylvania rule in contradictory ways on student on-line speech

Free speech advocates are mulling over the decisions of two three-judge panel in appeals courts for the Third Circuit as the panels ruled separately that a student had the right to speak freely off-campus and that the school had a right to punish students for off-campus speech they deemed disruptive to the school. -db Student Press Law Center February 4, 2010 By Katie Maloney PENNSYLVANIA — Two three-judge panels of the United States Court of Appeals

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California: San Jose State State University revises repressive speech code for dorm students

The San Jose State University administration altered the wording in their harassment policy to remove unconstitutional limits on the free speech of dormitory students. -db FIRE Foundation for Individual Rights in Education Opinion February 8, 2010 By Samantha Harris There is good news today for students living in the residence halls at San Jose State University (SJSU). The housing department has revised several restrictive policies, including a previous FIRE Speech Code of the Month, thanks

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Free speech in the workplace: Former editor wins legal fees

An arbitrator refused to award damages but did require the payment of over $900,000 in legal fees and arbitration costs to a former Santa Barbara News Press editor who was fighting claims by his employer Ampersand Publishing that he violated his contract by talking about the owner’s interference in the news room. -db The Los Angeles Times February 6, 2010 By Catherine Saillant An arbitrator has awarded $748,022 to former Santa Barbara News Press Editor

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News organizations hopeful about obtaining parole documents of alleged kidnapper

A Sacramento judge tentatively ruled that the state must hand over Phillip Garrido’s parole records. Garrido has been charged with the kidnap of an 11-year-old girl and keeping her in captivity for 18 years. -db The Sacramento Bee February 5, 2010 By Sam Stanton A Sacramento judge issued a tentative ruling Thursday that would require state corrections officials to turn over certain parole documents on Phillip Garrido to The Bee and two other news organizations,

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Carson mayor under investigation after allegations he used mute button to stifle public comment

The District Attorney is investigating a possible Brown Act violation as the Carson mayor has reportedly used a mute button to silence speakers at city council meetings. In November the City Council had given the major the authority to used the button in a 3-2 vote. -db KPCC Southern California Public Radio February 6, 2010 The District Attorney’s Office is investigating whether Carson Mayor Jim Dear violated a state law by using a mute button

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