News & Opinion

Health board claims secret meeting violated no laws

The Del Puerto Health Care District board met once secretly in 2008 but claims the meeting violated no California open govenment laws. -db Patterson Irrigator February 25, 2010 By Kendall Wright A majority of the Del Puerto Health Care District met once secretly in 2008, but the head of the district claims the meeting violated no laws, an assertion a First Amendment lawyer vehemently disagrees with. Two unannounced meetings were conducted in 2008, one on

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San Diego county school board cancels meeting to comply with open meeting law

The Grossmont Union High School District cancelled a special meeting to consider a threatened lawsuit after the media were not given adequate notice of the meeting. -db East County Magazine February 23, 2010 CAJON, Calif. – In response to a request by East County Magazine, the Grossmont Union High School District has announced cancellation of tonight’s special meeting. As noted in our story earlier today , ECM notified the district that the meeting was

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Panelists praise government agencies for open government initiatives

At an event sponsored by Government Executive, panelists said that there were some promising practices in the push for government transparency including expanded employee blogging, expanded use of the social media and well-attended online forums. -db NextGov February 24, 2010 By Emily Long Agencies continue to innovate in response to the Obama administration’s open government initiatives, said panelists at a Wednesday event sponsored by Government Executive, Nextgov’s sister publication. Animated officials and an interested audience

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Scholastic free press: Parents object to student sex poll

A California institute is challenging the administration of Ventura High School for allowing students to complete the questions of a campus sex survey without parent permission. Reporters from the student newspaper had conducted the survey on campus but outside the classroom. -db Ventura County Star February 23, 2010 By Marjorie Hernandez Pacific Justice Institute officials said Tuesday that they plan to file an administrative complaint against Ventura High School for allowing students to participate in

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Vague standards challenge Supreme Court in decisions on cases involving “material support” to terrorists

In deciding cases challenging the law forbidding support for terrorist organizations, the Supreme Court must consider that laws should provide clarity about which acts are illegal. -db The New York Times Commentary February 23, 2010 By John Farmer Jr. Notwithstanding the finger-pointing (and judicial head-shaking) since the Supreme Court’s decision last month on corporate speech, that ruling may not be the most consequential of this term. The court is also considering several cases whose implications

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