News & Opinion

Intimidation succeeds far too often in stifling free speech

There are all too many recent instances of authorities canceling talks by controversial speakers because they fear violence or disruption. This results in a systemic compromising of free speech rights and significant weakening of the foundations of democracy. -db Opinion March 1, 2010 By Herb London Jake Witzenfeld, president of Cambridge University’s Israel Society cancelled a talk by Benny Morris, a distinguished Israeli historian, for fear the Israel Society would be portrayed as a

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Obama administration weighs FAC proposal to challenge China’s internet censorship in WTO

FAC Executive Director Peter Scheer describes the administration’s interest as “an important step,” and details FAC’s position on the issue:”We believe that China’s censorship of the internet is not only a human rights issue but also a free trade issue. “That’s why FAC petitioned the US Trade Representative to challenge the firewall before the WTO. Google’s recent defiance of Chinese government censors, and its threat to pull out of China altogether, demonstrates the need for

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Obama open government initiative inspires research on its effectiveness

Scholars say that there is increasing interest in the academic community in studying the effect of the government’s open government initiatives. -db NextGov March 1, 2010 By Aliya Sternstein The practice of disclosing government data in a way that is meaningful to the public and holds the government accountable could become a growing area of scholarly interest, partly because the Obama administration’s interest in the subject has made research funding easier to obtain, some academics

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California court throws out conviction in child molestation case after juror discusses case outside of court

A man convicted of child molestation won a new trial after a judge found that a juror’s discussion of the proceedings with a friend has been prejudicial and deprived the defendant of a fair trial. -db Metropolitan News-Enterprise March 1, 2010 By Kenneth Ofgang A juror’s repeated conversations with a friend about the child molestation case he was hearing prejudiced the defendant, requiring a new trial, the Fourth District Court of Appeal ruled Friday. Div.

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Opinion: Time for bloggers to gain protections afforded traditional media

With more of the public gaining their news from online sources rather than print media and using the social media to become more interactive and participatory in accessing the news, a CMLP blogger argues that bloggers should be entitled to the same protection as mainstream press. -db Citizen Media Law Project Commentary March 1, 2010 By Andrew Moshirnia Well, it turns out this whole Internet thing is getting pretty popular. According to the Pew Internet

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