News & Opinion

Serious gaps found in government reporting of federal spending on economic stimulus

Government auditors revealed that the website tracking the $1 trillion in federal contracts for the economic stimulus package has unreliable data or serious omissions. -db The Los Angeles Times March 13, 2010 By Peter Nicholas WASHINGTON, D.C. – When he was a senator, Barack Obama pushed through a law setting up a kind of “Google-for-government” website — a one-stop-shop for tracking the $1 trillion handed out in federal contracts. Obama said the new site would

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Free speech: California man to get rehearing on his right to give Nazi salute to mayor

The majority of the 26 active judges of  the Ninth U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals voted to rehear the case of homeless-rights advocate who sued the city of Santa Cruz after he was thrown out of a city council meeting for making a Nazi salute to the mayor. -db San Francisco Chronicle March 13, 2010 By Bob Egelko A federal appeals court granted a new hearing Friday to a homeless-rights advocate who sued the city of

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Transparency experts advising patience over Obama open government initiative

Federal agencies easily met the first deadline in the Obama open government initiative, but the next steps for improving transparency and getting public feedback will take longer say open government experts. -db Federal Times March 10, 2010 By Gregg Calstrom The first steps were easy: Most agencies met the first deadline of President Obama’s December directive to launch open government Web sites within 60 days. Agencies were also required to post three high-value data sets in

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First Amendment groups petition federal appeals court for favorable ruling on student online speech

Conflicting court rulings have prompted First Amendment groups to ask for clarification about  when students can be disciplined for off -campus online speech that is  not a part of school activities. -db Student Press Law Center Press Release March 9, 2010 The Student Press Law Center, a national non-profit devoted to defending student journalists’ First Amendment rights, filed a friend-of-the-court brief today urging a federal appeals court to clarify that schools cannot discipline students for

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UC Berkeley student newspaper reporter gets arrested covering protest over tuition increases

A photojournalist for the Daily Californian, the student newspaper at University of California Berkeley, forgot his press pass and followed student protesters onto the freeway where he was arrested for unlawful assembly and obstructing a public place. -db Student Press Law Center March 9, 2010 By Laura Dobler BERKELEY – A student multimedia journalist was released from jail 20 hours after being arrested while filming a peaceful protest that turned into a dangerous riot. Cameron

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