News & Opinion

Presidential pardons: Obama administration puts privacy above transparency

The Justice Department filed a brief in federal appeals court in a bid to deny a journalist’s request for the names of the nearly 10,000 individuals denied clemency by President George W. Bush. -db Politico Commentary March 29, 2010 By Josh Gerstein While President Barack Obama has vowed to operate the most open and transparent administration in history, he does not appear to be seeking any advantage over his predecessor when it comes to letting the

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Google strikes blow for traditional journalistic values

Google’s decision to leave China rather than to allow censorship of its service, whether it likes it or not,  puts the company in the forefront in defending the free flow of information in the global market. -db The New York Times Commentary March 28, 2010 By David Carr Should we be surprised that the biggest fight over freedom of expression in years involves Google, a company that produces algorithms rather than articles? Probably not. Google

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First Amendment: Employment screener may pass on info from database of sex offenders

A California appeals court ruled that, under the First Amendment, an employment-screening service could access the state’s database of registered sex offenders and pass that information on to its clients. The law establishing the website prohibits the use of the posted information for purposes related to employment. -db Metropolitan News-Enterprise March 25, 2010 By Sherri M. Okamoto An employment-screening business may provide information garnered from California’s online database of registered sex offenders to its clients,

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Defense Department fails to make case for revealing contractors’ quality control information

A federal court sided with defense contractors against the Defense Department in blocking the release of information about quality of control processes that the defense contractors said were trade secrets. -db The Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press March 25, 2010 By Nadia Tamez-Robledo A federal appeals court yesterday ruled in favor of two defense contractors seeking to stop the government from releasing information about their quality control processes on the grounds that the

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Cleveland newspaper causes stir by unmasking anonymous poster – a judge

In revealing the identity of a person posting comments on their site under the moniker “lawmiss”, the Cleveland Plain Dealer believed that the public’s right to know outweighed the importance of protecting the privacy of anonymous commentators. The “lawmiss” postings, it turned out, came from the e-mail address of a judge. -db The Plain Dealer March 26, 2010 By Henry J. Gomez CLEVELAND, Ohio — By unmasking an anonymous poster at its companion Web site,

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