News & Opinion

Alameda: Brown Act dispute surfaces over conduct of sunshine committee

Citizens disagree over whether the new Sunshine Issue Spotting Task Force is subject to California’s open meeting law that would require the task force to give the public adequate notice of its meetings. A member of the task force says that their last meeting was better advertised than city council meetings. -db The Island Opinion April 1, 2010 By Michele Ellson You may not know this, but the City Council has set up a Sunshine

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Central Valley: Open meeting violations prompt successful recall petition drive

Citizens for Better City Government have collected over 1,000 signatures in the first step to recall three Hughson City Council members. The Civil Grand Jury had found the three in violation of the Brown Act, California’s open meetings law. -db The Turlock Journal March 30, 2010 By Maegan Martens Three months after the Civil Grand Jury found three Hughson City Council members in violation of the Brown Act, the Fair Political Practices Commission Code and

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Opinion: Mississippi school violates prom-goer’s First Amendment rights

The New York Times applauds the federal court decision against a Mississippi school district that prevented a senior girl from attending the prom with her girlfriend as a gay couple. The judge ruled that the district violated the senior girl’s First Amendment right of self-expression and also her right to send the message that women should not be limited to traditional female clothing. The district had forbidden her to wear a tuxedo to the prom.

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Information technology analyst evaluates Obama open government initiatives

A senior analyst for The Information Technology and Innovation Foundation finds much to like in Obama’s efforts to make government more open but also says it’s important to identify weaknesses in the initiatives to make sure the gains are substantial and meaningful. -db eGov Monitor Commentary March 29, 2010 By Daniel Castro of The Information Technology and Innovation Foundation (ITIF) The author explores President Obama’s Open Government Initiative in the US and looks to identify the

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Duke restores pro-life group’s free speech rights

Duke University reversed a decision by its Women’s Center that banned a pro-life student group from holding a discussion on student motherhood at the center. -db FIRE Foundation for Individual Rights in Education Commentary March 30, 2010 DURHAM, N.C. — Duke University has reversed a decision by its Women’s Center that prohibited the Duke Students for Life (DSFL) student group from holding a discussion on student motherhood at a Women’s Center venue during the group’s

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