News & Opinion

FAC, joining info requests for Palin speech at UCS-Stanislaus, also requests speaking contract for Bill Clinton talk at UC Berkeley

FAC—The First Amendment Coalition has filed a request under the Public Records Act for the speaking contract covering Sarah Palin’s planned appearance at a fundraising event for CSU Stanislaus in June. FAC has also requested the speaking contract for Bill Clinton’s appearance and speech at UC Berkeley in February. Arrangements for Palin’s speech have come under scrutiny from students, public employee unions and State Senator Leland Yee. Unconfirmed reports put Palin’s fee for the June

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Petition-signing a public act says Washington State’s Supreme Court brief

Is petition signing a private act? In advance of the April 21 U.S. Supreme Court hearing, Washington State conservatives have filed a brief calling it private; recently the Washington State AG filed a counter argument claiming it is a public act. The outcome could have impacts far beyond the original controversy, which started over petitions signed in support of a state referendum on gay rights. State to U.S. Supreme Court: R-71 signatures are public Seattle

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Supreme Court’s much-maligned First Amendment decision will, in fact, expand freedom of speech

Prediction: The Citizens United holding dooms IRS curbs on political advocacy by “dot-org” news media and other nonprofits. BY PETER SCHEER—Forty-six years ago, the Supreme Court announced its decision in New York Times v. Sullivan, rewriting centuries of “common law” on libel and defamation, in order to boost constitutional protection for criticism of government policies and government officials. One of the most important free speech decisions in Supreme Court history, New York Times was heralded

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Former Pfizer research scientist awarded $1.37 million in whistle blower suit

A federal jury awarded a former Pfizer research scientist $1.37 million in damages after she was fired for claiming publicly  that she was sickened by a genetically engineered virus while working for the company. The decision rested not on whether the scientist was actually sickened by the virus but on the evidence that Pfizer had violated her free speech rights. -db The New York Times April 2, 2010 By Andrew Pollack and Duff Wilson A federal

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States move to exclude 911 recordings from public record

Noting a trend to keep 911 records from the public, Citizen Media Law Project blogger Justin Silverman argues that there is a compelling public interest in allowing access to the records in the interest of shining light on the performance of public safety officers . He says laws can guarantee access and still protect the identity of those deserving privacy. -db Citizen Media Law Project Commentary April 1, 2010 By Justin Silverman When a grizzly

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