News & Opinion

L.A. City Council watchdog alleges electricity rates boosted without legal notice

A Los Angeles citizen has claimed that the city council passed electricity rate hikes without 72 hours notice required under the Brown Act, California’s open meeting law. -db LA Weekly April 23, 2010 By Dennis Romero ​Longtime City Council gadfly Joyce Dillard has sent letters to council president Eric Garcetti and City Attorney Carmen Trutanich alleging that the city illegally passed its electricity rate hikes last week without proper public notice — 72 hours in

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Federal ruling in Ohio on sexually explicit material hailed as free speech victory

The American Booksellers Foundation for Free Expression found much to like in a federal appeals court ruling that an Ohio statue providing for criminal penalties for providing non-obscene and sexually explicit mater to minors could not be applies to traffic on websites, in chatrooms and through e-mail listervs and mailing lists. -db Authorlink News April 19, 2010 The American Booksellers Foundation for Free Expression (ABFFE) has welcomed an April 15 federal appeals court ruling that

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Group challenges federal ban of photography outside federal buildings

Contending that a ban on photos outside a courthouse was unconstitutional, the New York Civi Liberties Union is suing the U.S. government. -db The New York Times April 22, 2010 By Larry Neumeister NEW YORK (AP) — A civil rights group accused the U.S. government of harassing law-abiding photographers outside a courthouse, saying in a lawsuit Thursday that a vague federal regulation restricting photography has been used inconsistently and is unconstitutional. The New York Civil

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Marin news staff wins Freedom of Information award in CNPA contest

A team of journalists on the staff of Marin’s Independent Journal won first place for Freedom of Information reporting in the 2009 California Newsaper Publisher Association contest. The staff members won for their work in getting the county to release payroll details that shed light on budget problems. -db Marin Independent Journal April 20, 2010 By Brad Breithaupt WINNING FIRST PLACE for our “Freedom of Information” reporting was a great honor for the IJ. In

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Online Hitler parodies suffer censorship

Constantin Film has used the Content I.D. filter provided by YouTube to remove the Hitler parodies regardless of whether they constitute “fair use.” -db Electronic Frontier Foundation Commentary April 20, 2010 By Corynne McSherry One the most enduring (and consistently entertaining) Internet memes of the past few years has been remixes of the bunker scene from the German film, The Downfall: Hitler and the End of the Third Reich (aka Der Untergang). EFF Boardmember Brad

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