News & Opinion

Senate committee passes measures to boost judicial transparency

The Senate Judiciary Committee passed a number of measures improving transparency in courtrooms including televising U.S. Supreme Court hearings. -db The Blog of Legal Times April 29, 2010 By Mike Scarcella The Senate Judiciary Committee passed several measures today addressing greater transparency in the judicial system—including televising U.S. Supreme Court hearings. One of the bills, the Sunshine in the Courtroom Act, would allow chief district and appellate judges to permit cameras in court. That bill

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Digital strip-search: Case of lost iPhone prototype shows the danger of using search warrant to seize journalists’ information

BY PETER SCHEER—Search warrants have always been a blunt instrument for finding evidence of crime. Think of television cop shows from the 70s and 80s: A police search of an apartment for drugs was, de facto, a license to ransack all closets, cabinets and dressers. A warrant to seize a letter or other specific document was a green light to overturn desks and dig through all files and writings, no matter how personal. But on

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Attorney General subpoenas New York Times reporter over book on C.I.A.

A lawyer for New York Times reporter James Risen says he will honor his commitment to keep his sources confidential in resisting a subpoena to provide documents about his 2006 book about the Central Intelligency Agency.  -db The New York Times April 28 2010 By Charlie Savage WASHINGTON, D.C. — The Obama administration is seeking to compel a writer to testify about his confidential sources for a 2006 book about the Central Intelligence Agency, a

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Iraq war: Federal transparency lacking without muscle behind Freedom of Information Act

Frank Smyth, the Journalism Security Coordinator for the Committee to Protect Journalists, argues that Obama’s promises for greater transparency are proving empty with the military failing to provide access to information about the killing of civilians and journalists in Iraq. -db Committee to Protect Journalists Commentary April 26, 2010 By Frank Smyth WASHINGTON, D.C. – The White House says it wants to improve transparency. Greater access to information could prevent deaths of journalists in the

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Free speech: Federal judge challenges prosecution to prove Michigan militia did more than just talk

A federal district judge said that federal prosecutors must show that the Michigan militiamen arrested for “seditious conspiracy” were about to launch an attack on government targets. -db Deroit Free Press April 29, 2010 By Ben Schmitt Federal prosecutors today argued in a court document that their office has met the threshold for the detention of nine members of the Hutaree militia group charged with seditious conspiracy even if they did not yet prove imminent

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