News & Opinion

Environmental Protection Agency stonewalls on hazards of New Mexico landfills

According to a report from the EPA Inspector General, the EPA circumvented the Freedom of Information Act by not keeping records and marking unclassified records as confidential. The EPA blocked efforts of a New Mexico group investigating hazardous landfills and Albuquerque’s groundwater. -db Secrecy News Federation of American Scientists May 5, 2010 By Steven Aftergood Officials of the Environmental Protection Agency intentionally stopped keeping records concerning potentially hazardous landfills in New Mexico in order to

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Coast Guard’s web-based news site on Gulf oil spill may provide model for covering future disasters

The Coast Guard’s Deepwater Horizen Response site created in 24 hours to cover the Gulf oil spill has been so successful in providing photos and information about the spill that some say the site could become a model for how government disseminates information during disasters. -d NextGov May 5, 2010 By Bob Brewin Crisis management in an Internet-driven news cycle demands a fast response. So after an explosion rocked a drilling rig in the Gulf

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Push begins in Congress to update Internet and electronic media privacy law

A House of Representatives subcommittee began hearings on updating the Electronic Communications Privacy Act enacted in 1986 before the Internet existed. -db American Civil Liberties Union Press Release May 5, 2010 WASHINGTON, D.C. – The House Judiciary Subcommittee on the Constitution, Civil Rights and Civil Liberties held a hearing today on updating the out-of-date Electronic Communications Privacy Act (ECPA). ECPA became law in 1986 – long before the Web was invented – and has not

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Cal State Stanislaus admits to possessing Palin speech documents

After saying they had no records pertaining to Sarah Palin’s contract for a speech at a fundraising event, officials at California State University Stanislaus copped to possessing “800 to 900” documents. -db California Watch May 5, 2010 By Lance Williams Is the open government ruckus over Sarah Palin’s speaking fee in Turlock sputtering toward a conclusion? Terry Francke of Californians Aware, the First Amendment group that is trying to pry loose a copy of Palin’s

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Journalist files suit over arrest at Republican National Convention

Radio host Amy goodman has filed suit in federal court against public agencies stemming from her arrest while covering protests outside the Republican National Convention. -db Minnesota Public Radio May 5, 2010 By Tim Nelson St. Paul, Minn. — New York-based radio host Amy Goodman is filing suit Wednesday in federal court against officials in Minnesota stemming from her arrest during the Republican National Convention two years ago. Goodman is host of “Democracy Now!,” a

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