News & Opinion

San Jose City College community questions whether Board of Trustees violated state’s open meeting law

Concerned citizens in the City College community questioned whether the San Jose City College Board of Trustees allowed the public a chance to give their input on a salary increase hastily passed in an emergency meeting that some say was not announced 72 hours in advance -db City College Times Commentary May 12, 2010 By Charles Becker An emergency closed meeting held by the Board of Trustees on April 21 to discuss a salary increase

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Los Angeles County: Resident files suit claiming millions spent illegally

A citizen of Los Angeles County filed a civil lawsuit claiming that county supervisors spent millions on projects without properly discussing the expenditures in public meeting. -db Los Angeles Times May 11, 2010 By Garrett Therolf A Long Beach resident has filed a civil lawsuit alleging that county supervisors broke the law when they spent millions of taxpayer dollars on pet projects without a public vote or discussion. “Elected public servants, such as the Los

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Foundation uses Freedom of Information Act in seeking records on Patriot Act effectiveness

The Electronic Frontier Foundation has filed suit to obtain records on the effectiveness of provisions of the Patriot Act giving the FBI powers to seize electronic records and property and to wiretap phone conversations. The provisions are up for Congressional review early next year. -db Electronic Frontier Foundation May 11, 2010 WASHINGTON, D.C. – The Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) filed suit today against the Department of Justice (DOJ), demanding records on three controversial PATRIOT Act

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Federal judge dismisses free speech challenge to Oregon workplace-meetings law

A U.S. district judge dismissed a lawsuit arguing that a workplace-meetings law violates free speech. The law was passed to protect workers from employer attempts to impose religious or political views on them. -db First Amendment Center May 11, 2010 By William McCall PORTLAND, Ore. (AP)— A federal judge has dismissed a challenge to the new Oregon workplace-meetings law which prohibits employers from firing workers who refuse to attend meetings to discuss politics, religion or

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New Jersey: Free speech advocates contest school ban on gay anthology

A conservative group has succeeded in convincing the Rancocas Valley Regional High School to remove an acclaimed anthology on teenage homosexuality from the library on the grounds that the anthology was vulgar, obscene and inappropriate. -db The Guardian May 10, 2010 By Alison Flood American free speech organisations are fighting a decision by a New Jersey school to remove a critically acclaimed anthology of writing about teenage homosexuality from library shelves after parents described it

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