News & Opinion

Net neutrality legislation could ensnare free speech

Critics say a bill introduced in the House of Representatives to ensure net neutrality would require a news outfit such as the Wall Street Journal to carry news from all news outlets, violating their free speech rights. -db PC World Opinion May 12, 2010 By Grant Gross U.S. Representative Cliff Stearns wants so badly to stop the U.S. Federal Communications Commission from creating network neutrality rules that he appears ready to weaken the U.S. Constitution’s

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Oakland community college considers free-speech zone

Trustees of Peralta Community college consider rules for where and how groups may speak on campus in the wake of a dispute with an anti-abortion group that regularly visits campuses in the East Bay. -db San Jose Mercury News May 13, 2010 By Matt Krupnick OAKLAND — The Peralta Community College district is considering guidelines to limit where and how groups can speak on campus, prompting outrage from employees and students who say the proposed

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Giant banks tap former government officials to carry fight over Wall Street reform

A coalition favoring greater accountability in government revealed in a new report that the giant banks hired over 240 former government officials to lobby against Wall Street reform. -db Politico May 11, 2010 By Chris Frates The nation’s six largest banks and their trade associations have hired more than 240 former government officials-turned-lobbyists to represent them in the fight over Wall Street reform, according to a new report by several progressive groups. The Service Employees

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Rights groups question new free speech policy at California college

FIRE and ACLU of San Diego have objected to a new policy at Southwestern College in San Diego that restricts peaceful protesters on campus to a “free speech zone.”-db FIRE Commentary May 13, 2010 SAN DIEGO – Southwestern College (SWC) limits free expression on its California campus to a single “free speech patio” and has proposed a new policy that unconstitutionally restricts expression, according to letters released today by the Foundation for Individual Rights in

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Federal bailout: Senate votes audits for bank loans

Senate approves audit of Federal Reserve’s emergency loans to banks beginning in late 2007. The House already passed an even tougher audit requirement late in 2009. -db The New York Times May 11, 2010 By David M. Herszenhorn WASHINGTON, D.C. — The Senate voted unanimously on Tuesday to require an audit of the Federal Reserve’s emergency actions during and after the 2008 financial crisis as part of broad legislation overhauling the nation’s financial regulatory system.

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