News & Opinion

China filtering rather than blocking Google

Observers are saying China is balancing its censorship policy with pragmatic needs to allow access to Google. -db The Digital Daily Feed June 15, 2010 By John Paczkowski Rather than rejecting it outright, China is adapting to Google’s new approach to the country, working toward a balance that keeps access to (a redirect from open while honoring Beijing’s longstanding commitment to censorship–sorry,“freedom of speech…in accordance with the law.” That’s the gist of a

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New federal law requires textbook publishers to disclose prices of texts

As of July 1, the Higher Education Opportunity Act  requires textbook publishers to provide detailed information to student journalists investigating high prices and to professors making textbook selections. The law is expected to bring more flexibility in providing affordable textbooks to students. -db Student Press Law Center June 15, 2010 By Kelsey Ryan A new federal law mandating greater transparency in the sale and pricing of textbooks will take effect July 1. As a provision

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UC Irvine: Muslim Student Union suspended for year for disrupting Israel ambassador’s speech

The Muslim Student Union has appealed University of California Irvine’s suspension of their group for one year, saying that the suspension would create a chilling effect on expression of ideas and hurt their efforts to combat marginalization. -db The Orange County Register June 15, 2010 By Deepa Bharath and Ellyn Pak IRVINE, Calif.– UC Irvine’s Muslim Student Union members say a year-long suspension came as a shock and that the university’s action would deny Muslim

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Tulare: Suit brought over alleged violations of open meeting and public records laws

Eight Tulare citizens filed suit over actions by the city council who met twice in closed session to discuss the city manager’s complaints against a councilman. The lawsuit holds among other things that the closed session did not meet conditions of the Brown Act, California’s open meeting law, for holding a closed session. -db Tulare Advance-Register June 17, 2010 By Luis Hernandez A lawsuit has been filed claiming Tulare city officials violated open meeting and

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Media analyst says FTC offbase in approach to saving print journalism

Robert G. Picard disputes the fact that newspapers are not profitable and argues against the Federal Trade Commission’s proposals to imposes anti-competitive practices and taxes to save the industry. -db The Media Business Commentary June 12, 2010 By Robert G. Picard Following hearings on the state of newspapers this past year, the U.S. Federal Trade Commission staff has now prepared a discussion paper of potential policy recommendations to support the reinvention of journalism. It is

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