News & Opinion

Government agency using subpoenas to obtain whistle blowers’ e-mails with reporters

The Security and Exchange Commission has subpoenaed documents from two whistle blowers including e-mails with reporters, a move that circumvents their usual policy of not subpoenaing reporters directly. -db The Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press June 28, 2010 By Ellen Biltz At least one government agency is using subpoenas to target e-mail between journalists and potential sources by going after the source. Two self-proclaimed fraud convicts recently turned over thousands of documents rather

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Stockton: Grand Jury finds three college board trustees in violation of California’s open meetings law

The County Grand Jury has recommended that three members of the San Joaquin Delta College Board of Trustees be censured for violating the Brown Act,the state’s open meetings law. -db The Record June 29, 2010 By Jennifer Torres STOCKTON — Three members of the San Joaquin Delta College Board of Trustees should be censured for violating the state’s open-meetings law, the county grand jury recommended in a report released Monday. The trustees — identified in

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Growing trend?: Senate candidate in Nevada dodges reporters

With talk radio and Facebook, political candidates no longer have to rely on television to get their message across. -db The New York Times June 28, 2010 By Brian Stelter RENO — There is a game in Nevada called “Where’s Sharron Angle?” that the press is tired of playing. Ms. Angle, a Nevada Senate candidate and Tea Party darling, has steadfastly refused to talk to reporters here, leading to some unusually aggressive behavior by local

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Supreme Court won’t hear First Amendment challenge of newsletter prosecution

The U.S. Supreme Court refused to hear an appeal of an investment research company who had published a report of a stock with a statement that the company’s owner later denied saying. -db June 28, 2010 WASHINGTON, D.C. (AP) — The Supreme Court won’t stop the securities fraud prosecution of an investment newsletter that published a report about a stock based on a statement that was later denied by the company’s owner. The high

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Secrecy News criticizes WikiLeaks

Secrecy News’ Steven Aftergood argues that there is good reason for the Knight Foundation’s refusal to fund WikiLeaks. WikiLeaks, he says, has failed to increase government openness and accountability. -db Secrecy News June 28, 2010 By Steven Aftergood In the past week, both the Washington Post and the New York Times have referred to, the web site that publishes confidential records, as a “whistleblower” site. This conforms to WikiLeaks’ own instructions to journalists that

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