News & Opinion

Harvard study shows media toadies to government

A study of the way the American media discusses waterboarding revealed that when the government insisted that the practice was not torture, the media fell into line, avoiding applying the word “torture” in reference to the practice. -db Salon Commentary June 30, 2010 By Glenn Greenwald A newly released study from students at Harvard’s John F. Kennedy School of Government provides the latest evidence of how thoroughly devoted the American establishment media is to amplifying and

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Wikileaks leaves whistle-blowers in the lurch

On June 12, Wikileaks’ submission page stopped working, so those wishing to submit documents are stymied. The outlet has not published a document in four months. -db Wired June 30, 2010 By Ryan Singel Would-be whistle-blowers hoping to leak documents to Wikileaks face a potentially frustrating surprise. Wikileaks’ submission process, which had been degraded for months, completely collapsed more than two weeks ago and remains offline, in a little-noted breakdown at the world’s most prominent

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Federal appeals court rules New Mexico can’t make nonprofits register as political committees

The Tenth Circuit Court of Appeals has affirmed the right of nonprofits to avoid revealing the origins of funds for mailers critical of state legislators. The court said the nonprofits were protected by the First Amendment. -db The New Mexico Independent June 30, 2010 By Trip Jennings A federal appeals court ruled today that the state can’t require two nonprofits to register as “political committees,” upholding the ruling of a federal judge last year, according

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Supreme Court rejects First Amendment argument in upholding ‘soft money’ ban

The U.S. Supreme Court upheld a ban on the use of “soft money” in elections. The Republican National Committee had argued that the ban violated First Amendment rights. -db Jurist June 29, 2010 By Hillary Stemple [JURIST] The US Supreme Court [official website; JURIST news archive] on Tuesday summarily affirmed [order list, PDF] a lower court’s ruling [JURIST report] in Republican National Committee v. Federal Elections Commission [materials], upholding a ban on the use of

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Google looks for way to satisfy government and keep its service going in China

After the Chinese government objected to Google’s rerouting users to an uncensored site in Hong Kong, the company struggles to come up with another strategy to continue service in China. -db The Wall Street Journal June 29, 2010 By Amir Efrati and Andrew Batson Google Inc. said it would change how Internet users in China access its search service after the Chinese government objected to its recent strategy of redirecting Chinese users to an uncensored site

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