News & Opinion

HLS library digitizes Justice Brandeis unpublished free speech dissent

Harvard Law School has digitized unpublished free speech dissent document by Justice Louis Brandeis. -SMD News July 7, 2010 By HLS Supreme Court Justice Louis Brandeis LL.B. 1877 is widely recognized as a preeminent supporter of an individual’s right to free speech, as most famously articulated in his concurring opinion in Whitney v. California (1927). Less well known, however, is the draft dissenting opinion he wrote in a companion case, Ruthenberg v. Michigan. In Ruthenberg, which was dismissed

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The Supreme Court and Corporate Free Speech: Citizen United v. FEC

The Supreme Court’s decision in Citizen United v. Federal Election Commission, could change American democracy. Along with strong Democratic opposition, 76% of Republicans and 81% of independents believe the Citizens United ruling was wrong. -SMD TIME Magazine Commentary July 7, 2010 By Adam Cohen When the Supreme Court ended its term last week, its ruling extending gun rights was the big news. But the real headline of the term was the court’s decision earlier this

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At Yahoo, Using Searches to Steer News Coverage

With the rise of Search Engine Optimization (SEO) protocols to drive traffic to news websites,  journalist are now becoming curators of information. A new model has emerged: the public decides what is “newsworthy,” and editors feed that back to the public. How does this model impact investigative reporting projects in the long-run? -SMD New York Times Media and Advertising News By Jeremy W. Peters July 4, 2010 Welcome to the era of the algorithm as

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Consequences of Exercising First Amendment Rights

A look at the unintended consequences of exercising 1st Amendment rights in America and the inherent guarantees of freedom of expression in a free society. – SMD Cape Cod Times: “First Amendment Consequences” Commentary/Opinion July 6, 2010 By Jim Coogan The First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution, with its guarantees of free speech and inherent right of protest, constantly has a way of reminding us that living in a free society can produce unintended outcomes.

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Hillary Clinton at the Community of Democracies

A commentary by Washington Post’s columnist Anne Applebaum on Hillary Clinton’s Speech at the 10th anniversary meeting of the Community of Democracies in Krakow, Poland. Was democracy promotion discredited with the Iraq invasion? Are democracies in trouble? -SMD From “Democracy in Trouble” Op-Ed Column Washington Post July 5, 2010 By Anne Applebaum A riot of golden curlicues embellished the theater boxes; in the plush velvet seats below, ambassadors in saris crowded against activists in crumpled suits.

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