News & Opinion

More key Jan. 6 records missing

The Defense Department joined the Secret Service and Homeland Security on a list of government agencies that destroyed material related to the January 6 insurrection. Court records show that the government-issued phones of acting defense secretary Christopher Miller and Army Secretary Ryan McCathy were wiped clean when they left the government. Those officials were in charge of mobilizing the National Guard to protect the Capitol. (The Washington Post, August 2, 2022, by Karoun Demirjian and

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Whistleblower trials for espionage under scrutiny

Mike Masnick in techdirt, July 29, 2022, says the arrest of NSA intelligence contractor Reality Winner for espionage was a travesty. She should have been viewed as a whistleblower for leaking information that enabled the Federal Election Assistance Commission to help secure the 2018 midterm election. Her defense was weakened by not being allowed to discuss the context for her leaking the documents. Editor’s note: Winner was sentenced to 63 months and served four years

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