News & Opinion

Mexican Journalists Kidnapped as Drug Cartels Threaten Freedom of Speech

Mexican gang members took at least three journalists hostage this week in Durango state after the reporters investigated alleged links between prison officials and drug groups, the state attorney general’s office said. Bloomberg July 29, 2010 By Jonathan J. Levin The kidnappers haven’t yet demanded a payoff, said Ruben Lopez, a spokesman for the attorney general’s office, in a telephone interview. Officials are seeking to confirm whether a fourth missing reporter is among the group,

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Wikileaks didn’t just happen. It exists because journalists have lost control over their information.

BY PETER SCHEER–The New York Times’ front-page stories on the war in Afghanistan–based on a massive leak of classified US military cables and other documents–are not likely to change the course of the war. But they represent a sea change in the way journalists report on national security. The records for the Times’ articles, which inevitably invite comparison to the “Pentagon Papers” of an earlier generation and an earlier war, were supplied to the Times

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5th Circuit strikes down part of university’s free-speech policy

A federal appeals court said universities cannot require a security fee for speaking on campus without any guidelines for what security is needed. July 28, 2010 By AP NEW ORLEANS — The 5th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals ruled yesterday that Southeastern Louisiana University’s free-speech policy is unconstitutionally vague on that point. Jeremy Sonnier challenged the policy after trying to evangelize individual students on Nov. 19, 2007. He was told to leave because he hadn’t applied

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Free Speech: Neb. town settles lawsuit brought by Westboro churchwoman

An Omaha suburb has paid a member of a Kansas church that protests at soldiers’ funerals $17,000. In exchange, Shirley Phelps-Roper has dropped her lawsuit against Bellevue. July 28, 2010 By AP LINCOLN, Neb. — The settlement with Westboro Baptist Church, which claims that U.S. troop deaths are punishment for the nation’s tolerance of homosexuality, was signed last week. Phelps-Roper’s lawsuit had sought to declare unconstitutional and bar enforcement of the city of Bellevue’s practice of

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Tenn. governor candidate questions whether Islam is a ‘cult’

Republican gubernatorial candidate Ron Ramsey is being criticized by a national Muslim advocacy group for questioning whether Islam is more of a cult than a a religion. July 28, 2010 By AP NASHVILLE, Tenn. — At an event in Chattanooga earlier this month, Ramsey said: “You could even argue whether that being a Muslim is actually a religion, or is it a nationality, way of life, cult or whatever you want to call it?” CNN reported

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