News & Opinion

Search for classified documents at Trump estate

The FBI conducted a search at Mar-a-Lago, Florida for highly classified documents that were potentially not turned over to the National Archives when former president Donald Trump left office. If they find documents, it could be a violation of the Presidential Records Act that requires preservation of communications related to official duties. Fifteen boxes of documents were retrieved last January so it is not known why it was necessary to look for more. (The Washington

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Federal court allows school removal of books with ‘lascivious content’

A Missouri federal court ruled that it was constitutionally permissible to remove books with lascivious content from a school library. Citizens had challenged the school for banning books, but the judge said it was not a ban since students could buy or borrow the books and discuss them with impunity. (Reason, August 8, 2022, by Eugene Volokh) Law professor Erica Goldberg, Daily Montanan, August 8, 2022, writes that states and local school districts control curriculum

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Public wants companies to reveal climate impact

Sixty-eight of voters said they thought it was important for companies they patronized to be transparent about how their activities affected climate change. Climate strategist Danielle Deiseeroth, Data for Progress, August 2, 2022, said, “The clock is running out to meaningfully address climate change, and any time spent on corporate greenwashing is irresponsible and inexcusable given the scale of emissions reductions necessary to mitigate the worst impacts of climate change. Recognizing this urgency, both the

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Study shows states lagging in protecting free speech rights

A study of state laws regulating speech about government and policies revealed that states faltered in protecting the free speech rights of citizens with no laws that burden speakers or groups. Only Wisconsin earned over 80 percent and 35 states earned less than 50 percent with New York at 15 percent. Both blue and red states scored poorly with California at 28 percent and Florida at 29 percent. (Institute for Free Speech, August 8, 2022,

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