First Amendment News

Online websites contaminated by Russia and Iran

Alarms are sounding over the alliances of U.S. online news sites with Russia and Iran. Before he joined the online Grayzone, an editor received thousands of dollars from Iran. Grayzon’s founder appears on Russian television and accepted a free trip to Moscow to celebrate RT. (The Washington Post, June 2, 2024, by Joseph Menn) Russia is also funding U.S. websites that purport to cover local news – the D.C. Weekly, the New York News Daily

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PRESS Act in committee limbo

The Freedom of the Press Foundation, May 30, 2024, urged Dick Durbin, chair of the Senate Judiciary Committee, to advance the PRESS Act to protect journalists from such practices as forcing them from revealing their sources. The House passed the bipartisan bill in January. Over 85 news and civil society organizations signed a letter asking that the law reach the full Senate for a vote. (Committee to Protect Journalists, May 30, 2024) For related FAC

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NRA wins key free speech ruling

The Supreme Court unanimously ruled for the National Rifle Association to limit state authorities’ power to pressure advocacy groups. The NRA will now be allowed to sue a New York official who tried to get banks and insurance companies to shut down operations with the group after the 2018 school shooting in Parkland, Florida. (CNN, May 30, 2024, by John Fritze and Devan Cole) Justice Sonia Sotomayor wrote for the majority, “Government officials cannot attempt

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Governments consider laws affecting free speech on campus

State legislators are threatening free expression in universities by proposing laws that stifle free speech. Arizona is considering a law that prevents public institutions from “formally recogniz[ing] a student organization that…promotes a foreign terrorist organization.” Pro-Palestinian students fear that they may find their freedoms curtailed. (Insight into Diversity, May 28, 2024, by Courtney Mullins) House of Representative Republicans are working on legislation that would protect students’ free speech rights. (Inside Higher Education, March 18, 2024,

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Reporters on environment under attack

UNESCO reports that reporters on the environment have been increasingly attacked, hundreds over the last 15 years. U.S. environmental reporters are also under attack with 36 press freedom violations since 2017. Reporters covering protests are particularly at risk, and their sources need protection. (Freedom of Press Foundation, May 10. 2024) For related FAC coverage, click here and here.

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