First Amendment News

Supreme Court decision on website free speech gets mixed reviews

Megan McArdle in The Washington Post, June 30, 2023, argues that the Supreme Court’s decision in 303 Creative v. Elenis was correct given previous decisions against compelled speech. “What we can do is settle on a truce that allows each side a reasonable degree of freedom,” she writes, “Religious traditionalists shouldn’t be able to stop LGBTQ folks from getting married or accessing public accommodations such as housing or health care, but civil rights authorities shouldn’t

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Brave new world arrives with uncensored chatbots

A.I. chatbots developed by independent programmers or teams of volunteers have downloaded unrestricted chatbots and using them without the guardrails employed by social media and tech companies. Many are fearful that the new chatbots will turbo charge the threats of online child pornography, hate and lies. It is clear that the new developers are not interested in censoring themselves so what can be done given the vital role of free speech in the U.S.? (The

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Federal judge restricts Biden contact with social media companies

The Biden administration is restricted in its contacts with social media companies on content moderation in a preliminary injunction issued by a district federal judge in Louisiana. “This targeted suppression of conservative ideas is a perfect example of viewpoint discrimination of political speech,” wrote Judge Terry Doughty. “American citizens have the right to engage in free debate about the significant issues affecting the country.” The Biden administration said they were acting to safeguard safety, security

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Supreme Court stretches First Amendment to protect denial of services to gays

The U.S. Supreme Court ruled that a Colorado Christian web designer could deny service to gay couples wanting to create a website for their marriage. The court found a free speech right to refuse to endorse messages contrary to one’s beliefs. “The First Amendment envisions the United States as a rich and complex place,” wrote Justice Neil Gorsuch in the 6-3 decision, “where all persons are free to think and speak as they wish, not

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Judge to decide on whether to release grand jury findings on Epstein

The public may yet find out the details of the prosecutor’s weakening of his own case in 2006 against millionaire Jeffrey Epstein that allowed him to continue raping and trafficking underage girls for another 13 years. A Florida judge will decide if grand jury reports under law kept secret to promote jury independence can be released in accordance with part of a Florida law that allows it “in furtherance of justice.” (Palm Beach Post, June

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