Coalition News

Governor signs FAC-sponsored access bill

With encouragement from the California First Amendment Coalition, Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger signed SB 786 that limits the ability of state and local governmental agencies to win fee awards from citizens bringing lawsuits under the state’s open government laws -DB Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger signed into law SB 768 on August 6 a measure vital to maintaining the ability of citizens to seek redress of open government violations by local and state agencies. The law provides that

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FAC files amicus in US Sup Ct free speech / campaign contributions case

The First Amendment Coalition has filed an amicus brief in Citizens United v. FEC, the US Supreme Court case involving First Amendment challenges to federal campaign finance laws regulating corporate political speech during elections. The Court held this case over for re-argument in September and invited briefing on broader issues than the case originally had been thought to present—including whether to overturn several leading Supreme Court precedents in the campaign finance-freedom of speech area. Our

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Settlement in Database Access Suit Announced

BERKELEY, CA, June 16 —The California First Amendment Coalition (CFAC) and, a nonpartisan, nonprofit research organization that shows the connection between money and politics, announced today that they have settled their freedom of information lawsuit against the Office of Legislative Counsel of California, having gained the object of their suit: a machine-readable database of how state lawmakers vote. “It shouldn’t take a lawsuit for the government to realize its data belongs to the people,”

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China/World Trade Organization

CFAC Taking on the Great Firewall of China CFAC has initiated a proceeding that will attempt to use international trade laws to force the government of China to end its censorship of the internet. In a submission and presentation to the Office of the US Trade Representative, CFAC has petitioned for the filing of a complaint with the World Trade Organization, of which China became a member in 2001. Our (concededly novel) theory: that China’s

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Las Vegas Sun series on construction deaths wins CFAC Sunlight award

By Donal Brown The California First Amendment Coalition today announced that the 2009 Sunlight Award has been given to reporter Alexandra Berzon and the Las Vegas Sun for an investigative series of 50 articles on the high rate of accidental deaths among construction workers at a huge casino construction site on the Las Vegas strip. The Sunlight Award, given jointly by CFAC and the Associated Press, recognizes journalistic excellence in news coverage that uses government

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