Coalition News

FAC Update

New ED Here at FAC we have been busy conducting a search for a new Executive Director. We received over fifty applications, the vast majority from highly qualified candidates in the areas of law,  journalism, public policy, business and nonprofit organizations. A committee of FAC’s Board, led by Board President Carol Melamed, has conducted dozens of interviews, both by phone and in person, to narrow down the field of applicants to just a handful, who

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FAC sues LA council over destroyed public records

A new lawsuit filed by the First Amendment Coalition against Los Angeles highlights local governments’ all-too-common—and illegal—practice of destroying public records. The suit, filed Thursday in Superior Court for Los Angeles County, focuses on documents that went missing when a termed-out council member, Tom LaBonge, left office in 2015. Thousands of documents about city business—”public records” under California law—had been boxed up, marked for destruction, and removed from LaBonge’s council office, according to news accounts

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FAC partners with Online News Association to assist digital journalists

The First Amendment Coalition is delighted to announce a partnership with the Online News Association to provide ONA members—-digital journalists working primarily for digital media platforms—with legal help on First Amendment and other media law matters through FAC’s Legal Hotline service. The Legal Hotline is a legal consultation service available on FAC’s website. Users submit legal questions using FAC’s online form. The questions are answered by lawyers—all experts in media law—at Bryan Cave, a national

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Super Bowl Score: Cop Overtime $6.3 Million, Taxpayers 0

By Karl Olson — The big winners of Super Bowl 50 were not just the Denver Broncos, they were San Francisco cops who racked up over $6.3 million in overtime while The City hosted “Super Bowl City.” And the big losers were not just the Carolina Panthers, they were San Francisco taxpayers, whose elected representatives threw a big party for the billionaire owners of the National Football League. Those are the revelations from public records produced

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Latest FAC suit secures release of Sonoma County Superbowl Contract

FAC’s latest lawsuit—a Public Records Act suit against Sonoma County—-has ended successfully, with the county disclosing a complete, unredacted copy of a contract to promote tourism in connection with the Super Bowl. In denying PRA requests for the contract submitted by local news media and FAC, the county said the contract was exempt because it contained trade secrets. Further, the county said the contract—-between the county tourist bureau and the Host Committee for the Super

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