Coalition News

California cities not honoring public record requests

California cities are suspending or delaying requests for public records as the coronavirus depletes staff. Fresno, San Leandro and Fremont announced new parameters. First Amendment Coalition’s David Snyder said open records is still law and while some delay might be reasonable, it was crucial that local governments comply with the California Public Records Act especially in a crisis when the public needs to know what their elected officials are doing. (Los Angeles Times, March 19,

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FAC Joins Nationwide Coalition Urging Transparency and Access in Response to COVID-19

Today the First Amendment Coalition joined the National Freedom of Information Coalition and 130 organizations nationwide in a letter to state, tribal and local public institutions raising concerns about transparency and access to meetings and records as these institutions respond to the coronavirus public-health crisis. Government bodies should not opportunistically take advantage of the public’s inability to attend large gatherings to make critical decisions affecting the public’s interest if those decisions can reasonably be postponed.

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Sunshine Week: Transparency Critical During Public Health Emergency

A letter from Executive Director David Snyder Dear Friends of the First Amendment, During times of widespread uncertainty, the public needs a clear picture of what our government is doing.  Indeed, transparency is much more important in such times, when the government takes on a far greater role in our day-to-day lives. As government power waxes, so too does the possibility that power can be abused. So, I write to you today to remind you

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EVENT CANCELED: Unlocking Public Records in California

Update March 6, 2020: This sold-out event has been canceled. To receive invitations to future events, sign up to receive emails from FAC. To request a FAC FOI Boot Camp, a free workshop aimed at underserved journalists, apply here. Unlocking Public Records in California Improve your reporting by learning how to use California law, including the Public Records Act and the state’s new police transparency provisions, to find out information about companies and people you

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FAC Launches In-Depth FOI Training Sessions for Journalists

The First Amendment Coalition is proud to announce the launch of a series of Freedom of Information Boot Camps for journalists interested in using the California Public Record Act and other laws to shed light on government agencies across the state. Led by FAC attorneys, these sessions will provide journalists with the tools to improve their reporting, whether daily or in-depth investigative work, by using freedom-of-information laws more effectively. These sessions will feature real-world scenarios

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