Coalition News

Black Lives Matter and the Rise of Anti-Protest Backlash

Q&A with human rights lawyer James Tager on what alarms him most about the legislative response to recent protest movements Return to the Protest & Pushback main page → George Floyd’s murder at the hands of police, captured on cell phone video seen around the world, sparked mass protests for racial justice. A new generation took to the streets and halls of power to raise their voices, leading to real changes in policy and in

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Understanding the Role of the First Amendment in Civil Rights Movements

Q&A with Constitutional Law Scholar Margaret M. Russell Return to the Protest & Pushback main page → The murder of George Floyd by a Minneapolis police officer spurred what historians call the largest protest movement in U.S. history. Over the course of the next year, a reckoning over racial justice prompted concrete changes in policies and politics, and it changed the conversation surrounding racial justice forever. But Black Lives Matter, like major civil rights and

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