
A&A: Describing a closed session

Describing a closed session Q: Is a school district obligated to describe the closed session subject in language understandable to the lay person? A: Government Code section 54954.2(a) provides that at least 72 hours prior to a regular meeting, the body must post an agenda containing a brief general description of each item to be discussed or transacted at the meeting, including items to be discussed in closed session. A “brief general description,” as the

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A&A: Agenda item questions

Agenda item questions Q: Can items labeled “discussion” be voted upon as action items? Does “other administrative items,” and “other administrative items, including delegation of tasks” adequately describe taking action on appointing an already appointed established committee as a subcommittee to this group? What is a definition of a “brief description” of an item as required by the Brown Act? A: Government Code section 54954.2(a) provides that at least 72 hours prior to a regular

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A&A: Non-profit committee receiving state and private grants subject to Brown Act?

Non-profit committee receiving state and private grants subject to Brown Act? Q: I’m a disability activist parent on a non-profit committee sponsored by the public schools, receiving state grants and private grants. I feel the meetings, which we advertise in the newspapers, should be open to journalists and that our budget info is public information. Others on the board want to keep things hush-hush. Do we have a right to keep our financial info private?

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A&A: Little League meetings and the Brown Act

Little League meetings and the Brown Act Q: Does the Brown Act allow for you to sit in on a Little League meeting in which your conduct is in question by where the Little League officials have the right to suspend a coach with out hearing his side of the story? A: The Brown Act only applies to local governmental agencies. According to Little League Online, Little League Baseball, Inc., is a private non-profit organization,

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A&A: Entities meeting in a closed “workshop” setting

Entities meeting in a closed “workshop” setting Q: Can a public entity meet in closed session and make decisions of public import in a “workshop” setting? A: The fact that the board of supervisors’ meeting was called a “workshop” does not mean that it was not a “meeting” subject to the Brown Act. A meeting is defined as “[a]ny congregation of a majority of the members of a legislative body at the same time and

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