
A&A: Video Tapes, Free Speech, and the Brown Act

Video Tapes, Free Speech, and the Brown Act Q: To comply with the Brown Act, our City Council has separate Oral Communication periods; there are periods for Agenda Items, and Non-Agenda City Business. In our past election cycle during the 2-minute Non-Agenda Item Orals a video tape of a candidate was played. Video tapes are allowed to be used by speakers. The City Council is now considering banning any video ad for a City Council

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A&A: Community College Senates, the Brown Act, and Secret Ballots

Community College Senates, the Brown Act, and Secret Ballots Q: I am a member of a College Academic Senate, a body of 15 elected faculty members representing the faculty at large and governed by open meeting regulations, including the Brown Act. The Senate violated the Brown Act by conducting a secret ballot and a group of faculty brought a petition for a referendum vote by the faculty at large on the issue. The illegal secret ballot

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A&A: Future Council Members, Participation, and the Brown Act

Future Council Members, Participation, and the Brown Act Q: I am going to be on the City Council in a tiny city starting in November.  (There were three open seats and three candidates, so it is a walk-in.) I and another of the future Council members are part of a local conservation group.  We have filed an appeal to the City Council asking them to overturn a project approval by the Planning Commission. The likely

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A&A: Are Emails Meetings?

Are Emails Meetings? Q: Can members of a public agency use emails (to all members of the board) to share information regarding board matters. These are information only emails, no action is taken, and no votes are taken. They are used to provide information on action that may or may not be taken at the scheduled board meetings. A: The Brown Act defines a “meeting” as “a congregation of a majority of the members of

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A&A: aa-Housing Authority Board of Commissioners and the Brown Act

Housing Authority Board of Commissioners and the Brown Act Q: I have a couple of questions regarding the Board of Commissioners for the Housing Authority of my city and the Brown Act. 1.) The posting of the Agenda for Board meetings lists out the items to be discussed and the order in which to do so. In all such postings the agenda item for public comment is listed after all other items for discussion have

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