
A&A: Limiting Public Comment to Issues Not Already Covered

Limiting Public Comment to Issues Not Already Covered Q: I recently attended a County Board of Supervisor’s meeting concerning implementation of medical cannabis ID card program. During the meeting the board Chairman told the individuals coming forward that when they are giving their testimonies they are to limit their comments to issue other than what has already been brought up by previous testimonies. My problem with this is that it appears to be limiting people’s

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A&A: Does the Brown Act apply to volunteer fire company

Q: I am a member of a volunteer fire company and our tax status is a 501c4. Our tax return is part of the Public Records Act but is the rest of our records part of the same Act. We believe that we are not part of the Brown Act because we have none of our members on the Fire Dept. Board and visa versa. We are a separate entity formed by our group back

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Do Public Comments Have to be Taken into Consideration

Do Public Comments Have to be Taken into Consideration Q: Are legislative bodies required to consider written material presented by the public, during an open hearing not officially called a “public hearing”, prior to making a judgment?  A county agency heard public comments on an agenda item, was presented with a petition from 29 neighbors requesting a public hearing, didn’t read the petition or supporting documentation, and scheduled a review for 7 months from now.

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A&A: Discussion of Employee Termination in Closed Session

Discussion of Employee Termination in Closed Session Q: In 2007, the City held its last budget study session and on the closed session my job, as Director of Finance, title or position was never put on for discussion, nor was my job title put on for closed session since I started with the City. The next morning the mayor and the City manager were waiting for me to terminate my employment with the City. The

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Non-Profits Covered under Brown Act

Non-Profits Covered under Brown Act Q: This is to clarify whether or not our volunteer association, which takes care of a City Dog Park, is under the Brown Act. We were not created by any of the required methods spoken of in the Act (e.g. ordinance, formal action, charter, or resolution).  We saw a need, came together and the City liked the idea of not having to deal with the park. However, we have been

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