
CPRA and student records

CPRA and student records Q: Do student records qualify as records whose disclosure is exempted pursuant to Federal law (FERPA) under the Ca. Public Records Act?If so, can I waive my right to privacy or is that exempted under FERPA so that I can make a Ca. Public Records request for these records?Would charges against a student (non-law enforcement purpose, disciplinary action) qualify under the Information Practices Act if exempted from the California Public Records

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Are CPRA requests public?

Are CPRA requests public? Q: Are Public Records Act requests themselves exempt from the Public Records Act? Specifically, are PRA logs or other materials used to document PRA requests exempt or available for public review? A: Under the Public Records Act, all documents created, owned, or maintained by a public agency are presumptively available for public inspection unless one of the PRA’s exemptions applies. I am not aware of any exemption that would apply to

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CPRA and copyright

CPRA and copyright Q: I have requested digital tax map data from the County, which claims their data is copyrighted, therefore, exempt from disclosure. Additionally, they said they will sell it, but the cost is $150,000. The CA Attorney General just provided an Opinion that county digital tax map data is public record. See Is County correct in saying their data is exempt just because it’s copyrighted?I could not find a copyright registration to

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Court response time to CPRA

Court response time to CPRA Q: What should be the typical response time on the day a request is received for a criminal complaint? The California Public Records Act says 10 days but upon written notice an additional 14 days if the request is voluminous ?6253(c) Does this time limit apply for requests sent by mail?I have typically received responses within 3 weeks of sending my requests using FedEx Air or USPS Express mail. But

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The CPRA and court records

The CPRA and court records Q: I have a question regarding the Public Records Act, and how it applies to the courts. I am hoping to get a copy of a certain CA Supreme Court oral argument tape, but am not sure whether this would be exempt from PRA requests. A: The California Public Records Act does not apply to court records (which would include the tape of the California Supreme Court oral argument that

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