
A&A: Private institutions, public funds and the CPRA

Q: If a private institution such as university or college receives public and private funding for research, can a member of the public get access to records that pertain only to publicly funded research? A: Generally speaking, private universities are not subject to the PRA.  The PRA applies to the public records of state or local agencies.  Under certain circumstances outlined in section 54952(c) of the Brown Act (incorporated into the PRA by section 6252

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Access to Police Officer personnel files

Access to Police Officer personnel files Q: Basically, what I want from the city is: 1. The former chief’s personnel file (including his contract, etc.) 2. The investigation documents (which I’m assuming would specify allegations, testimonies, etc.) 3. The former chief’s termination action (which I’m assuming he received in writing). Do I legally have access to any of these things? Also, does the situation apply differently to police employees? A: Unfortunately, under something called the

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Records involving peace officers

Records involving peace officers Q: I submitted a CPRA request to the Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation and received some satisfaction. There are some items I have not heard about yet. I was denied on the following items:1) List of the positions (job titles), basic responsibilities, and site locations held by Lt. [X] during his entire employ at the Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation.2) List of training sessions Lt. [X} has attended since January 1,

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Are oral CPRA requests permitted?

Are oral CPRA requests permitted? Q: I’m new to public records laws in California, and curious if you can help. What is the requirement in California for initiating that inquiry? Do I need to send a written request, or is a verbal request deemed to have the same weight? A: Under the California Public Records Act, Government Code § 6250 et seq., an oral request for records is permitted.  Government Code section 6253(a) provides that

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Public official’s email communications

Public official’s email communications Q: Background: the superintendent of schools has sent a number of e-mails to the school board in the past few weeks saying that these e-mails are confidential. My educated guess is that they deal with one case of a gun being found in a student’s backpack and another case of near-campus melee that resulted in the arrest of 4 juveniles.Are these e-mails public records? Must they be released if they contain

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